


LocationShelburne, VT
StatusPending Adoption

Trixie is 11 years old, female (approx. DOB TBD), 25 lbs., vetted, is or will be spayed, and microchipped.

Trixie is crate-trained, potty-trained, loves to play ball and go on car rides, and is a quieter confident girl who has firm boundaries with people and children and does not like them in her face or playing with her toys. Trixie should be leashed at all times when outside, just in case a chipmunk runs by or would enjoy a fenced yard. She loves cats and chases squirrels lol! She knows commands: Sit, Wait, This Way, Go Lay Down, Go ahead, and You Can Eat! Trixie’s ideal home? Perhaps an older person who is more relaxed, easygoing, and enjoys a walk without other dogs who has a calm household. Stay tuned for more information as Trixie is a new rescue!

If you are interested in adopting Trixie please fill out an Application.

Please note Fosters have 1st option of Adoption.

  • Friendly
  • I'm Good With Cats