Skylynn is 2 years old, female (approx. DOB TBD), 42 lbs., vetted, is or will be spayed, and microchipped.
Skylynn’s story is very sad; she lost her human mom and her human dad couldn’t take of their dogs anymore being a single dad. She lived with another male dog but we are still learning more about her. We believe she is a white Alaskan Malamute but cannot confirm without a DNA test. We do know she would love a home with an active lifestyle for her breed needs and someone she can feel safe and loved with to heal from her losses. Skylynn is stunning and sweet…………and confused. Stay tuned for more information as Skylynn is a new rescue!
If you are interested in adopting Skylynn please fill out an Application.
Please note Fosters have 1st option of Adoption.