


LocationShelburne, VT

Polly is 4 years old (approx. DOB 12-23-15), female, 50 lbs., vetted, is or will be spayed, and micro-chipped. Polly is a very sweet girl that is great with other dogs. She has been a mama to 2 litters of beautiful puppies (that we know about); and finally it is her turn! After the 1st litter Polly’s owner promised to spay her; thankfully our Volunteer in SC was diligent and called someone closeby to check on her. After a little digging we found out that Polly had abandoned in a neighborhood by her owners…………..pregnant . We stepped into action and were thankfully able to find her and get her safely into a Foster home 1 day before she gave birth to 9 more beautiful babies! We never wanted to leave her behind in the first place and are so happy we have her now! And we absolutely love our sweet nurturing mama Rescued dogs! Stay tuned for more information as Polly is a new rescue!

If you are interested in fostering or adopting Polly please fill out an Application.

Please note Fosters have 1st option of Adoption.

  • Friendly
  • I'm Good With Other Dogs
  • I Like Kids