


LocationShelburne, VT
StatusAvailable for Adoption

Nolah is 5 years old, female (approx. DOB tbd), a petite 26 lbs., vetted, is or will be spayed, and micro-chipped. Remember the sweet beagle Maizy (adopted) tied to the pole at City Market Burlington? This is her sister tied to a pole 2 weeks later. Nolah is a social butterfly and has loved other dogs, may be good with cats (all cat and dog relationships are different), and would love a home with another dog to play with and kids! She just adores children! She is a sweet, happy girl with a great sense of curiosity and fun. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body and loves everyone she meets. She is house trained and crate trained. Nola loves to watch the world go by outside, especially squirrels, and would do best in a home that is active. She also loves to be a big snuggle bunny in the evening after an active day. She would do well in a home that has a fenced yard seeing that she has a strong beagle nose and loves to explore. The family who will adopt her will be very lucky; she is such a wonderful dog! Stay tuned for more information as Nolah is a new rescue!

If you are interested in adopting Nolah please fill out an Application.

Please note Fosters have 1st option of Adoption.

  • Friendly
  • I'm Good With Other Dogs
  • I Like Kids
  • I'm Good With Cats