


LocationShelburne, VT

Daisy is 3 years old (approx. DOB tbd), female, 29 lbs., vetted, is or will be spayed, and micro-chipped. Ginger is a mama boonie dog from Guam! When she was rescued from streets of Guam with her puppy Lily (adopted).

Good with Dogs? Yes
Good with Cats? Unknown
Has a prey drive? Not really, will chase birds if the mood strikes
Good with smaller kids (mouthy, nippy, jumpy, chase, scared)? Unsure, was in a foster home with teens. Did meet school age kids and was fine.
Energy Level (low, low-medium, medium, medium-high, or high)? Low
Scared of people or socially outgoing? indifferent until an introduction is made.
Scared of men or no experience? Not scared.
Needs another dog in the home (if scared of people), ok as only, or either way? Either is fine.
Crate trained? Yes, though hesitant to go in without some treats.
Does he/she like the crate? Does fine in crate, no crying or mess.
Potty trained? No accidents while in foster home.
Chewer/destructive? Likes toys and blanket seams but did not destroy anything.
Separation Anxiety from people when left alone? No
Vocal? No
Behavior on leash when walking near lots of people/dogs? Indifferent. Good walker. Did not pull.
Concerning behavior: Will snap at other dogs when startled awake but unsure if this was due to having her puppy with her.
Best in the busy City or rural calm or doesn’t matter? Doesn’t matter.
BEST IDEAL HOME IN YOUR OPINION? Any home really. Daisy is so easy going she could fit in almost any environment. I would love to see her in a working setting. Every person she met was a friend after an introduction. I think she would be a good therapy/office dog. She enjoyed her foster home with a 13yr old and 14yr old along with 2 other dogs- her puppy and a 65lb female. Daisy is a big snuggle bug who loves napping in bed with a human if she can. She was learning sit with food being a great motivator, so she is willing to learn.
She would not be a good high activity/out doors companion, she would rather smell the roses and enjoys a leisure stroll.

Stay tuned for more information as Daisy is a new rescue!

If you are interested in adopting Daisy please fill out an Application.

Please note Fosters have 1st option of Adoption.

  • Friendly
  • I'm Good With Other Dogs